Our Opinions of AG’s New Holiday Release

Sup! Saige here! Me and Felicity are going to give our opinions of AG’s new Holiday release that just came out today. Enjoy!


Saige: I am in LOVE with this dress! I love how it brings out the red in a doll’s hair, and it has that pretty asymmetrical hemline, too! The shoes are cute too, I just wish that they had come up with a different design, as they are very similar to the shoes from last year’s golden dress (which we have), with the tilted bow and traditional flat style.

Felicity: This dress is ok, to glammy for me, though. I agree with Saige on the shoes, it would be a lot better with little wedges, or even some cute shorty boots.


Saige: This is eh, it’s pretty but not very me.

Felicity: Ok,I am just a little in love with this. I would definitely wear it, the shoes could be cuter again, but I love it!


Saige: What else is there to say but that this is AWESOME?????

Felicity: Dito


Saige: This horse looks fake. Of course it is, but it looks like a plush toy. And I feel bad saying this, because it’s a HORSEY!!!

Felicity: I like the fur at the hooves!


Saige: I love these, but I like the polar bear ones from last year better! The boots are awesome.

Felicity: Very pretty, I like these!


Saige: This is so cool, it makes me want to go snowboarding!

Felicity: I LOVE snowboarding, and I love this set!


Saige: I’m really glad that they came out with some new horse sets, but I don’t really like any of them, and don’t like the color of the coat.

Felicity: I really like this set!


Saige: EW, I don’t personally know a single girl who would wear this. Some pieces would make good separates, but it looks rather like she decided to dress up as a polar bear for Halloween.

Felcity: To me it looks like someone stuck Olaf in the microwave and it melted into THIS.


Saige: This is simple: AG is making reinventions of Frozen to get more girls interested in their stuff so that more people will buy it. And it’s not a bad thing. But boy, does this scream ELSA.

Felicity: I am just going to avoid mentioning Frozen altogether and say that this is a lovely Elsa decided to take up ice skating skating outfit.


Saige: They really like fur.

Felicity: Last year’s jacket was fur too. I like this one though. And the box of chocolates is SO adorable!


Saige: I really like this! It is different from their other cowgirl outfits, I like how they didn’t just take one of their old outfits and change it a little.

Felicity: Eh…its kinda cute.


Saige: Nothing special.

Felicity: Dito

So, there you have it, here is a list of stuff that we would consider buying.

Blue and Silver Holiday Dress, when it goes on sale after Christmas

Live life and be brilliant!


8 thoughts on “Our Opinions of AG’s New Holiday Release

    • Yah I think that thye could have done a better job. Just change some things around, like a sweater skirt instead of shorts, (not that i don’t like shorts, but definitely not sweater shorts) and take away the fur vest and fur sleeves.


      • Yes, I agree! A sweater skirt would be much better! But I think AG wanted to be different, because last year they did a skirt. But if they REALLY wanted to be different, then why not ditch the winter and white outfit idea all together? It seems like they make one every year. 😛


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